Dr Mary Cole has been appointed Consultant Mycologist to the Australian and New Zealand Animal Poison Centre.
A new free service for pet owners. Encourage your vet to join. Australian & New Zealand Animal Poisons Centre 1300 869 738 (AU) 0800 869 738 (NZ). read more…
Marvelous Fungi
Mushrooms communicate with each other
Click image to enlarge.
- A. xanthodermus
- Agaracus campestris edible
- Agaricus campestris (edible)
- Agaricus campestris edible (top cap view)
- Agaricus edible
- Agaricus subrutilescens (edible)
- Agaricus xanthodermus
- Agaricus xanthodermus (non edible)
Click image to enlarge.
- Phalloides group (DEADLY POISONOUS)
- Amanita muscaria (poisonous)
- Amanita muscaria 2 (poisonous)
- Amanita phalloides (DEADLY POISONOUS)
- Amanita phalloides mature (DEADLY POISONOUS)
Click image to enlarge.
- Armillaria luteobubulina (tree pathogen-edible)
- Armillaria luteobubulina (tree pathogen-edible)
Aseroe rubra
- Aseroe rubra – the stinkhorn mushroom
Click image to enlarge.
- Chlorophyllum molybdites -Poisonous – green spores – can be mistaken for white spored Lepiota/Macrolepiota rhacoides.
- Chlorophyllum molybdites -Poisonous – green spores – can be mistaken for white spored Lepiota/Macrolepiota rhacoides.
- Chlorophyllum rhacodes – indigestible, potentially poisous
Click image to enlarge
- Coprinus niveus 2 (not edible)
- Coprinus niveus (non edible)
- Coprinus comatus (edible)
Coral fungus
- Ramaria subaurantiaca
Click image to enlarge.
- Cortinarius archeri (non edible)
- Cortinarius austrovelutus (non edible)
Click image to enlarge.
- Entoloma salmoneum (browntrout publ)
Click image to enlarge.
- Geastrum simplex unopened
- Geastrum simplex
- Geastrum triplex (browntrout publ)
Gymnopilus junonius
- Gymnopilus junonius
- Gymnopilus junonius
- Gymnopilus junonius
Click image to enlarge.
- Hygrophorus coccineus (browntrout publ)
Click image to enlarge
- Laetiporus sulphureus (browntrout publ)
‘Lepiota – Macrolepiota‘ Macrolepiota clelandii
Click image to enlarge.
- Macrolepiota clelandii – edible
- Macrolepiota clelandii (2) – edible
Click image to enlarge.
- Lycoperdon cluster- bottom side
- Lycoperdon sp -edible when pure white all through
- Lycoperdon species cluster (non edible)
Marasmius sp
Click image to enlarge.
- Marasmius sp – edible but too small
- Marasmius sp (browntrout publ)
Click image to enlarge.
- Morchella sp (browntrout publ)
Click image to enlarge.
- Mycena leaiana (browntrout publ).
- Omphalotus nidiformis (ghost fungus) poisonous
- Omphalotus nidiformis poisonous
- Omphalotus nidiformis bioluminescence
Tricholomopsis rutilans
- Tricholomopsis rutilans
- Tricholomopsis rutilans
Click image to enlarge.
- Russula sp (browntrout publ)