Answer: Answer: Soils are made up of different proportions of sand, silt and clay. Light soils that have
higher proportions of sand are more difficult to have hold organic matter and carbon and
nutrients, generally, and require much more input to turn them into productive sandy loam
types with nutritional value.
Loamy soils are easier to work and hold organic matter much more readily than the sands.
High clay content soils can have problems with water logging as can any soil that is misused
and compacted. Draining heavy soils may be necessary for them to be productive.
Most soils can be recovered in a reasonably short time frame. It is simply that some take
more effort than others.
Once the organic matter builds up and earthworms move air and water deeper into the
soil profile, then the diverse populations of soil microbes will actively increase nutritional
opportunities for plant species.
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