Presentations and panel discussion from community, leading scientists and industry experts.
Come along to learn more about bushfire risk, share your knowledge, meet others interested in the topic of bushfire risk and learn about how agencies are using research for bushfire management.
Speakers come from CFA, DELWP, Emergency Management Victoria, Universities and Yarra Ranges Council.
Event brought to you by Southern Ranges Environment Alliance in partnership with Yarra Ranges Council, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP), Country Fire Authority (CFA) and Parks Victoria (PV).
Saturday 5th December, 9.45am – 5.45pm. Followed by dinner
Sunday 6th December 2015, 10am – 12pm. Macclesfield CFA Field Trip (optional), Exploring local properties and ways of assessing and mitigating risk. Note: Walking outdoors will be part of the field trips.
Book now on the form below as spaces are limited.
Contact on the day Stephanie Carr 0429 556 268