Oaktree Dr
Pakenham VIC 3810
The Committee of Management of the Cardinia Environment Coalition Inc Extends an invitation to women and men to a dinner to celebrate
“Cardinia Women in Conservation”
March 8th 2016 (International Women’s Day.) RSVP with payment by 1 March.
Venue: Pakenham and District Golf Club, Oaktree Drive Pakenham
Time: 6.00pm – 10.30pm Tuesday March 8th. 2016 Entree served at 6.15pm
Three course dinner including entree, tea, coffee and water. Drinks available to purchase from the Bar.
We are delighted to have several Cardinia women active in environmental work as guest speakers – each with a different story to tell.
Details will be on the CEC website www.cecinc.net.au
Cost: $35 per person, to be paid in advance, by either cheque or EFT with your booking to
- CEC PO Box 875 Pakenham 3810.
- Bank Account details: BSB 633 108 Account: 1080 22518 .
- Enquiries: cec@dcsi.net.au or phone CEC office on 5941 8446 Tuesdays or elizabethfras48@gmail.com phone 59427666
Bookings: Please indicate your dietary requirements, name, contact phone, conservation group membership if applicable. Groups may set up a display prior to the dinner … come at 5.30pm. Please also indicate if you wish to do this.
This event is proudly supported by Cardinia Shire Council
It will be a wonderful opportunity to mix and mingle with other Cardinia conservationists.
The United Nations International Women’s Day theme 2016 is Pledge for Parity