Healthy Soils Sustainable Farms

May 15, 2018 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
“Quatro Bras”
160 Buffalo-Waratah Rd
Buffalo VIC 3958
Jenny O’Sullivan
0419 153 377

Opportunities with climate, cows and carbon. New research and perspectives.

Guest Speakers: • Richard Eckard, Melbourne University: Future Climate challenges for the grazing Industry. What will future climates and pasture production look like? What are the challenges and where are the opportunities for South Gippsland?

• Mathew Warnken, Corporate Carbon: Where is the value and opportunities for farmers with the emissions reduction fund? Trial results from Soilkee work and carbon.

• Tony Gardner, West Gippsland CMA: Soilkee trial results from Ross Battens Trial plot. • Walk of trial plot and discuss results and view soil profile

BYO deck chair, afternoon tea provided