Holistic Management Training Course (Session 4)

April 22, 2015 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
The Goose Shed Function Centre
LOT 4027 Barrabup Road
Nannup WA 6275
Inside Outside Management

8-Day Holistic Management Training Course
Nannup 2015
Based on the teachings of Allan Savory
presented by Brian Wehlburd of Inside Outside Management

Location: The Goose Shed Function Centre, Barrabup Road Nannup
Dates: 21/22 January, 25/26 February, 25/26 March and 22/23 April

The the journey, each 2-day session builds your skills, knowledge and confidence.

Session 4 (22/23 April 2015):Introduction to Holistic financial planning, small business financial plan example, communication exercises, review non-growing grazing plan, biological monitoring theory, paddock walk – set up a bio-monitoring site, introduction to Holistic land planning and key line, review, evaluation.