
Compost Tea Testing


Compost tea is a liquid solution rich in beneficial microorganisms, created by steeping compost in water. Agpath offers compost tea testing services to ensure that the tea is of high quality and capable of improving soil health and plant growth. This service is essential for farmers and gardeners who rely on compost tea as a natural fertilizer and disease suppressant.


  • Optimised Microbial Balance: Ensures that compost tea contains the right mix of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa for specific soil types and crops.
  • Enhanced Soil Health: Supports the development of a healthy soil ecosystem, leading to better nutrient availability and plant growth.
  • Disease Suppression: Helps prevent plant diseases by promoting beneficial microorganisms that outcompete pathogens.
  • Sustainable Farming: Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides, contributing to more sustainable farming practices.


  • Microbial Analysis: Testing the compost tea for bacterial, fungal, and protozoan populations using light and fluorescent microscopy.
  • Quality Assessment: Evaluating the ratios of active to total organisms to ensure the tea is effective for its intended use.
  • Tailored Recommendations: Providing guidance on the optimal use of compost tea based on the results, including application rates and methods.